Linking Intercultural Communication, Intercultural Communication Apprehension and Intercultural Sensitivity with Ethnocentrism

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Megha Bhargava, et. al.




Todays’ organization are changing the face of their business by extending beyond the national boundaries. Clear and effective communication among people from different cultures is the real challenge imposed before the organizations. Enterprises being cultural aware helps them to understand how to behave in cross-cultural international markets. It is often recognized that cross-cultural issues acts as invisible communication barriers more specifically in international business. Thus, understanding the cultural differences among people is one of the most significant skills for firms to develop in order to have a competitive advantage in international business. The aim of this study is to see whether there is a connection between ethnocentrism, intercultural communication, intercultural communication apprehension, and intercultural sensitivity. Since intercultural sensitivity is just one of the intercultural communication skill dimensions, potential studies should focus on the influence of the other dimensions, such as intercultural understanding and intercultural efficacy



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How to Cite
et. al., M. B. . (2021). Linking Intercultural Communication, Intercultural Communication Apprehension and Intercultural Sensitivity with Ethnocentrism . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(7), 2203–2208. Retrieved from
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