Does Job Characteristics Predicted Employee Job Satisfaction?

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Sunardi Sembiring Brahmana, et. al.


Employee job satisfaction is the important factor that will determine employee performance, which in turn will determine organizational performance. Employee job satisfaction influenced by various factors, such as personal and non-personal factors. The ability to understand what factors most determine employee job satisfaction is a challenge and an important task for managers. Among various non-personal factors, several previous studies found that job characteristics are of the important in determining employee job satisfaction. This research intended to understand better the interplay between job characteristics and job satisfaction. Based on studies and descriptions of various previous studies, this study proposes job characteristics positively and significantly effect job satisfaction.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. S. B. . (2021). Does Job Characteristics Predicted Employee Job Satisfaction?. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 1627–1632. Retrieved from
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