Comparative Analysis Of Indonesia’s Universities Perception In Aspects Of National Innovation

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Tanti Irawati Muchlis, et. al.


Innovation performance in the university will impact a nation’s innovation performance. This paper attempts to compare and analyze the internal perspective of Indonesia’s universities across different region of Indonesia’s universities. To do so, perceptive questionnaire is developed and spread to Indonesia’s universities. In this study, Indonesia’s universities are clustered based on their regional area location, while the questionnaire is developed based on five aspects of national innovation that consists of value-added, innovation readiness, competitiveness, innovation partnership, and user’s readiness. The result shows that Indonesia’s universities perception is not different among each other, otherwise they tend to have high confidence on their innovation products’ achievement in providing value-added and competitiveness level, but have a low level of innovation partnership in performing their internal innovation process.


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How to Cite
et. al., T. I. M. . (2021). Comparative Analysis Of Indonesia’s Universities Perception In Aspects Of National Innovation. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 1440–1445. Retrieved from
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