Flood Impact Reduction Study By Applying Rainwater Harvesting In De Marrakesh Residential

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Fuad Hasan, et. al.


Flood is a natural phenomenon that can threaten the existence of human life, especially during the rainy season. In addition, the increasing need for residential facilities has an impact on changing land functions in an area that was originally an infiltration area to become a residential area. De Marrakesh Residential which has a land area of ​​± 117.025 m2 is a residential area located in the Kecamatan Rancasari of Bandung City. In terms of flood prevention, this residential area already has a retention pond and pumps that drains water into the Cipamokolan river. But in reality there are still puddles that inundate the residential area of ​​De Marrakesh. To deal with this, a flood impact reduction study was carried out by applying rainwater harvesting. In this study, the analysis carried out is the calculation of the planned rainfall, the selection of the type of rain distribution, the calculation of the volume of rainfall, and the estimated calculation of the volume of rainfall that can be captured. From the results of the analysis and calculations, the application of rainwater harvesting can reduce the impact of flooding that occurs in De Marrakesh Residential.


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How to Cite
et. al., F. H. . (2021). Flood Impact Reduction Study By Applying Rainwater Harvesting In De Marrakesh Residential. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 1281–1286. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/3143
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