Monitoring and Implementation of Smart Agriculture Using IoT

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D.Bhavana, et. al.


Agriculture is the basis of human life. In the olden days, Farmers used to calculate the preparation of soil and had many questions to create which sort of yield. They didn't consider the mugginess, level of water, and particularly atmosphere condition, which is suitable to crop. They make their assumptions which may sometimes leads to losing of the crop. This research targets to make use of evolving technology i.e . IoT and the smart agriculture using automation. The monitoring of the environment aims to improve the yield of efficient crops also reduce the effort of humans. The feature of this project includes monitoring temperature and humidity and water level and soil moisture conditions in agriculture fields. These problems can be solved easily with the help of “IOT Technology”. IoT devices and communication skills linked with wireless sensors occurred in agriculture applications are examined in detail. What are the sensors there for particular agriculture processes, like soil preparation, crop position, irrigation, insect and pest detection are listed. This technology servicing the growers throughout the crop levels, from sowing until harvesting is explained. The Internet of Things (IoT) explains the network of physical devices like things that are embedded with sensors, software, and other applied science to interlink and share data with other devices and systems by using the internet as medium from any place in the world.


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How to Cite
et. al., D. . (2021). Monitoring and Implementation of Smart Agriculture Using IoT. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(7), 1849–1856. Retrieved from
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