The Use Of Hydrostatic Pressure As Lateral Pressure Of Counterfort Wall Design And Soil Stability

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Bambang Eko Widyanto, et. al.


Land subsidence in North Jakarta is dangerous enough and can become a hazard to the people which live around there. The hazard come in two ways, such as a rob from the sea area and a slope in onshore area. Both of them need a comprehensive treatment, one of best solution is through the make of counterfort walls as a way to hold water from the offshore to the ground area in onshore. The Height of wall is around 3.7 meters with a strengthening wall around 3 meters.  Another problem is the lateral pressure of water and a weight of counterfort will be a load to the soil in area. It need to be analysed to determine the strength that needed by counterfort wall.


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How to Cite
et. al., B. E. W. . (2021). The Use Of Hydrostatic Pressure As Lateral Pressure Of Counterfort Wall Design And Soil Stability . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 945–950. Retrieved from
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