Competencies of Widyatama University Graduates Based on the results of the Tracer Study

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yelli eka sumadhinata galuh boga kuswara


Alumni are the output of the quality of a college. But the quality of the alumni depends on the quality of the college. The task of higher education is not only to prepare qualified graduates but to maintain good relations between graduates is equally important. Widyatama University, which was founded in 1976, is certainly very aware of this considering the large number of graduates. With the increase in the number of graduates from year to year, it is necessary to develop new methods and media in developing alumni tracing. This study aims to find university graduates and evaluate the results of the 2017 graduate tracer study. The number of respondents who filled out the questionnaire was 384 out of 949 graduates in 2017. From the results of the overall analysis, the horizontal alignment was 79.5%, which means that the competencies obtained during their study at Widyatama is according to need. in the field of work, and the results of research show that there are 78% of graduates who work in accordance with their education level.


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How to Cite
yelli eka sumadhinata galuh boga kuswara. (2021). Competencies of Widyatama University Graduates Based on the results of the Tracer Study. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 811–820. Retrieved from
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