The Problems Of Sending Spam E-Mails To People In Indonesia

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Arus Reka Prasetia, et. al.


The Internet is part of the development of technology, where the internet provides many impacts, both positive and negative. Currently, privacy issues on the internet have also become a complicated legal issue, this is due to quite several privacy-related issues, but not all countries in the world manage privacy issues on the internet. As a means of communicating the Internet has introduced e-mail that provides convenience and practicality. But in its development e-mail has an adverse impact on its users in the form of e-mail spam. In terms of its actions, sending spam e-mail is quite a disadvantage, even violate privacy. Some countries have also set it to one type of cybercrime (cybercrime). This article will discuss e-mail spam in Indonesia, how the legislation in Indonesia sees the action of this spam e-mail, is there any possibility of spam e-mail is criminalized as a cybercrime. The article will also look at how spam e-mails violate privacy and review and analyze internet privacy settings in Indonesia in relation to the criminalization of spam e-mail.


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How to Cite
et. al., A. R. P. . (2021). The Problems Of Sending Spam E-Mails To People In Indonesia. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 681–686. Retrieved from
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