Fossil Texture Mapping With Computeriation Techniques As A Tool In Paleontology With Pheomelanin Pigment Method

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Ari Purno Wahyu W


Fossils are a form of living things or microorganisms in the past that have been buried in the soil or water for millions of years, a method or branch of science is needed to identify these fossils which are commonly used to determine the nature and way of life of humans in the past to improve their life. In the future, the science  studies this field is called paleontology, which is a branch of the study of fossils and living things with the aim of extracting useful information useful in other fields such as geology, mining and marine. One of the important functions of paleontology is how we can reconstruct the size and type of living things based on data from bones obtained from excavations, the conventional way is that a palentologist will estimate the types of living things based on bone shape of the land area where the fossil is found, this will not be difficult if the fossils are found in intact conditions or excavated in the upper soil where the fossil conditions are generally clearly visible, but this is very different if the fossils found in damaged condition aren’t intact or in petrified conditions making it difficult to in identification, so that estimates of the type of fossil plants or living things unidentify to read, the researchers previously tried to combine fossil reading and mapping techniques with the help of computer vision techniques, where an identification process is a computer capable of estimating and reading the type of fossil and displaying it in a visual form, the form shown is usually the blood flow of the connective tissue and the hair or hair of the animal, technology has a high accuracy and by reading a network of pigment or melanin in these animals, the melanin color in the fossil becomes a reference where the fossil lived and the type of carnivore or herbivore, this melanin color serves as an additional tool so that a pelentologist can use it as a recommendation tool to identify and read an object correctly with predictability and high accuracy


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How to Cite
Ari Purno Wahyu W. (2021). Fossil Texture Mapping With Computeriation Techniques As A Tool In Paleontology With Pheomelanin Pigment Method . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 299–304. Retrieved from
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