Loan Forecast by Using Machine Learning

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A. Kulothungan, et. al.


In the improvement of banking sector many people are applied for bank loans but in bank has its limited benefit for given of limited people only, now searching out of which the loan can be given it will be a safe option for the bank is a classic process. So, in this project we try to reduce the risk factor behind collecting the safe people so to save lots of bank attempt or benefits. On the basis of this data/familiar, by using the machine learning model which give the most precise result. The main purpose of this project to forecast either imputing the loan given that person will be safe or not. In paper, we are forecast loan data by using some machine learning algorithm like Decision Tree, Logical Regression and Classification. 


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How to Cite
et. al., A. K. . (2021). Loan Forecast by Using Machine Learning . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(7), 894–900. Retrieved from
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