The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on the Professional Orientations of Secondary School Students in Jordan

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Dr. Awn Ali Khasawnah


This study aimed to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and professional dispositions among secondary stage students in Jordan, and the study relied on the relational descriptive approach, and the study sample consisted of (1500) secondary stage students in Jordan. The emotional intelligence scale and the professional dispositions scale were used to collect data. The results showed that the level of emotional intelligence among secondary school students in Jordan was of a moderate degree. The results indicated that there is a close correlation between professional dispositions and emotional intelligence, whenever a higher level of emotional intelligence, the level of professional dispositions towards motor professions or manual skills were increased, but the relationship decreases with emotional intelligence whenever the professional dispositions go towards software, discoveries, and media matters. In light of the results of the study, a set of recommendations were presented.


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How to Cite
Khasawnah, D. A. A. . (2021). The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on the Professional Orientations of Secondary School Students in Jordan. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 1224–1236. Retrieved from
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