Attack Prediction By Using Greedy Algorithm For Diminishing The Drop And Delay In Wireless Sensor Networks

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Dr. B.Shadaksharappa, et. al.


The essential constraint of the internet is that forwarding the data packets of data among the restricted and trustworthy data nodes. If the receiver node is attacker node then it'll drop the data rather than forwarding the data to ensuing neighbor node. Therefore, efficient and secure data transmission is extremely necessary within the network data transmission. Each router node within the network can accept the data packets up to its buffer size only. Once the queue value reached the buffer threshold value then congestion can occur at the node. Once congestion happens then it would lose the data packets. By sending the data packets to the next neighbour node this problem will be resolved. This congestion will be handled by the Fully Distributed Congestion Control FDCC and Cooperative and Memory Efficient Token Bucket (CMTB) algorithms. Because the data is transmitted to the next neighbour node predicting the node behavior is extremely necessary because it is an attacker or the conventional transmitter node because it has to transmit the efficient data securely to the destination node. In this paper, the node behavior will be predicted by analyzing the trace file. The simulation results show that this proposed method would provide a lot of security in data transmission. The WSN comprises a group of sensor nodes that are disseminated on the network. These sensor nodes initially exchange their data packets to the near nodes to send the data packets to the target node. During the transmission of these data packets some data packets drop may also happen inside the network. This packet drop should be kept up as low as feasible for correct data transmission to the target node or destination node. This algorithm highlights the routes with high link quality, low packet delay and with low packet drop. Simulation results show that this proposed algorithm can provide the most effective path for transmitting the data to the destination meanwhile it reduces the packet drop and packet delay.


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How to Cite
et. al., D. B. . (2021). Attack Prediction By Using Greedy Algorithm For Diminishing The Drop And Delay In Wireless Sensor Networks. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 1072–1082. Retrieved from
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