AMatrix factorization technique using parameter tuning of singular value decomposition for Recommender Systems

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Geluvaraj. B, et. al.


In this article we explained the concepts of SVD and algorithm evolution. MF technique and the working of it with computational formulas. PCA withstep-by-step approach with example and A novel approach of Hyper SVD and How to fine tune it and pseudocode of the Hyper SVD with the Experimental setup using SurpriseLib and computing RMSE and MSE for the accuracy purpose and solving with the real time example which solves the cold start hassle also together and it can be seen that comparison of SVD and Hyper SVD and Random algorithm is done and types of Movies they recommended. There is far more difference between the results of the both algorithms and movie recommendations as per the results Hyper SVD is flexible and efficient and superior compared to other algorithms.


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How to Cite
et. al., G. B. . (2021). AMatrix factorization technique using parameter tuning of singular value decomposition for Recommender Systems. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 3313–3319. Retrieved from
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