Study Of Students’ Performance Prediction Models Using Machine Learning

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Mr. S. Viswanathan, et. al.


Educational Data Mining (EDM) is a novel concept associated with developing methods for exploring the specific types of data produced by educational settings and using those approaches to effectively understand students and the environments in which they learn. Prediction attempts to shape trends that will allow it to predict results or learning outcomes based on available data. Predicting student success has become an appealing challenge for researchers. They develop an understandable and efficient model using supervised and unsupervised EDM techniques. This assists decision-makers in improving student performance. The task of deciding the best model leads to the emergence of various techniques from both EDM techniques. The numerous research models used to solve the problem of student success prediction using educational data mining are discussed in this paper. The primary purpose of this paper is to explain the methodology for implementing the proposed solution for student performance prediction, as well as to present the findings of a study aimed at evaluating the performance of various data mining classification algorithms on the given dataset in order to assess their potential usefulness for achieving the goal and objectives.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. S. V. . (2021). Study Of Students’ Performance Prediction Models Using Machine Learning . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 3085–3091. Retrieved from
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