A novel framework for synthesizing nested queries in SQL from business requirements language

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Mathew George, et. al.


Different methods and systems were proposed in the past for translating Natural Language (NL) statements in to Structured Query Language (SQL) queries. Translating statements resultingin‘nested’queries havealways been a challenge and was not effectively handled. This work proposes a framework for translating requirement statementsresulting inthe construction of nested Queries. While translating nested scenarios; often thereis a need to create sub-queriesthat execute inpipeline orin parallel or both operating together.Lambda Calculus is found to be effective in representing the intermediate expressions and helps in performing the transformations that are needed in translating specific predicates into SQL, but its inflexibility in combining parallel computations is a constraint. To represent clauses that are in parallel or arein pipeline,and to perform the required transformationson theintermediate expressions involving these,more advancedprogramming constructs are needed.This work recommends the use of advanced language constructs and adoptsfunctional programming techniques for performing the required transformation at the intermediate language level.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. G. . (2021). A novel framework for synthesizing nested queries in SQL from business requirements language. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 2680–2691. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/2291
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