Macro Based Malware Detection System

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Balal Sohail et. al.


Macro based Malware has taken a great rise is these recent years, Attackers are now using this malware for hacking purposes. This virus is embedded inside the macro of a word document and can be used to infect the victim’s machine. These infected files are usually sent through emails and all antivirus software are unable to detect the virus due to the format of the file. Due to the format being a rich text file and not an executable file, the infected file is able to bypass all security. Hence it is necessary to develop a detection system for such attacks to help reduce the threat.

Technical research is carried out to identify the tools and techniques essential in the completion of this system. Research on methodology is done to finalise which development cycle will be used and how functions will be carried out at each phase of the development cycle. This paper outlines the problems that people face once they are attacked through macro malwares and the way it can be mitigated. Lastly, all information necessary to start the implementation has been gathered and analysed


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How to Cite
et. al., B. S. . (2021). Macro Based Malware Detection System. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 5776–5787. Retrieved from
Research Articles