IOT System To Control The Air Quality In Operating Room

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Albert Cahya Yojana


The need for an air quality monitoring system in the operating room that can help users to maintain predetermined quality standards. Air quality parameters that are very important to note are temperature, humidity, and positive pressure. The results of the research show that this system can help users to control the air quality system in the operating room, and can provide an alarm in the form of WA to users, with 95.7% successful delivery. The reading results have been compared with a calibrated instrument. With an average temperature difference of 0.24%, RH 0.18%, DP 0.23%. The purpose of this paper is to develop a control system in the operating room, so that the parameters that become the main standards can be achieved. If any parameter exceeds the predetermined limit, the system will provide a warning or notification in the form of WA to the user.


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How to Cite
Yojana, A. C. . (2021). IOT System To Control The Air Quality In Operating Room. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 5726–5732. Retrieved from
Research Articles