Personalized Search Engine Using Binary Tree Traversal (BTT) - A Survey

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Jose Triny K, et. al.


Web pages have an increasing number of been used because thepatron interface of many software programsoftwarestructures. The simplicity of interplay with internet pages is an idealbenefit of the usage of them. However, the character interface also can get extracomplicatedwhilegreatercomplexnet pages are used to construct it. Understanding the complexity of net pages as perceived subjectively with the resource of clients is thereforecrucial to betterlayout this sort ofconsumer interface. Searching is one of thenot unusual placeassignmentachievedon the Internet. Search engines are the essentialtool of the net, from whereinyou willcollectassociatedstatistics and searched in keeping with the favoredkey-word given by the character. The recordson theinternet is developing dramatically. The consumer has to spend extra time with inside theinternetin case youneed to find outthe correctfactsthey may befascinated in. Existing net engines like Google do now no longerundergo in thoughtsuniqueneeds of character and serve eachpatron similarly. For this ambiguous query, some offiles on wonderfulsubjects are decreaselower backby engines like Google. Hence it will becomedifficult for the consumer to get the requiredcontent materialfabric. Moreover it additionally takes extra time in searching a pertinent content materialfabric. In this paper, we are able to survey the numerous algorithms for decreasing complexity in internetweb page navigations.


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How to Cite
et. al., J. T. K. . (2021). Personalized Search Engine Using Binary Tree Traversal (BTT) - A Survey. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 2624–2633. Retrieved from
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