Performance Analysis of Different Filters for Digital Image Processing

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Ch. Kavya , et. al.


Digital image processing is one of the drastically growing areas used in various real- time industries like medical, satellite, remote sensing, and pattern recognition. The output of the image processing depends on the quality of the image. Filters are used to modify the images, such as removing the noise and smoothing the images. It is essential to suppress the high- frequency values in the image for smoothening and improving the low-frequency values to enhance the image of strengthening else it doesn't provide good output. This paper discussed various filters and their functionalities concerning digital image processing. Here linear, as well as non-linear filters, are presented. It is easy to decide about the better filter for improving the image processing output from the discussion.


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How to Cite
et. al., C. K. , . (2021). Performance Analysis of Different Filters for Digital Image Processing . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 2572–2576. Retrieved from
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