Incorporating Deblurring Techniques in Multiple Recognition of License Plates from Video Sequences

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Ria Ambrocio Sagum, MCS et. al.


Recognition of license plate is the process of wherein photographic video or images of license plates are being captured and then processed using an application that implements series of algorithms that will provide the alpha numeric conversion of the captured data. In this study, the researchers developed a license plate recognition that incorporates image deblurring to accommodate multiple recognition from video sequences. The approach uses Background Subtraction and Connected Component Analysis for the detection of license plates, Image deblurring to enhance the image and reduce the difficulties in recognition, and LBP Cascade Classifier was implemented for recognition of characters. Since multiple detection for license plate produces different difficulties such as motion blur and camera angle view the approach attempts to minimize the effects of these problems while still being applicable to multiple detection. 30 videos with 3 minutes length each of actual traffic situation were gathered and recorded at the footbridge of UP Ayala Technohub, Commowealth Ave. Quezon City, Philippines and 10 of these videos were used as input for the testing and experiment of the system. The accuracy for plate detection were computed using F-measure which yields to 87.32% for both system with image deblurring and none, while the accuracy for character recognition is 62.66% for system with image deblurring and 48.25% for the system without image deblurring. The result shows that there is a significant difference in the accuracy of license plate recognition between the system with image deblurring and without image deblurring


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How to Cite
et. al., R. A. S. M. (2021). Incorporating Deblurring Techniques in Multiple Recognition of License Plates from Video Sequences. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 5447–5452. Retrieved from
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