Model Of Disability Learning in Islamic Education at Inclusive School Malang, Indonesia

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Zulfi Mubaraq et. al.


Education is the most basic need for every human being, even children with special needs also really need education. Given the importance of education for all, education for children with special needs is facilitated by disability or inclusive-based classes. The inclusive class model as an alternative recommended by the government to serve children with special needs. This study aims to find out the extent of planning, implementation, evaluation, and impact points of learning implementation Islamic education in inclusive schools at Malang city. This research used a qualitative approach, a type of case study with a multi-site study design. The data collected is organized, interpreted, and analyzed in cross-site cases and analyses. research instruments used include interviews, observation, and documentation. The results are Planning standard of islamic education learning in the inclusion class is the same as other schools using the 2013 curriculum which includes syllabus and learning planning. It's just that the special assistant teacher made a design of teaching materials that are appropriate to the situation of each child with special disabilities. Implementation Standard, there are at least many models, including inclusion classes, used regular full inclusion classes with simplified indicators, cluster classes, and pull out using individual learning programs. Evaluation conducted by disability schools is to separate between normal students and those with special disabilities who differ in the description of the indicators. Another model in this school the difference between normal students and those with special needs, the assessment system of students with special needs.


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How to Cite
et. al., Z. M. (2021). Model Of Disability Learning in Islamic Education at Inclusive School Malang, Indonesia. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 5388–5392. Retrieved from
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