Naïve Bayes Twitter Sentiment Analysis In Visualizing The Reputation Of Communication Service Providers: During Covid-19 Pandemic

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Khyrinaairinfariza Abu Samah, et. al.


We present the real-world public sentiment expressed on Twitter using the proposed conceptual model (CM) to visualize the communication service providers (CSP) reputation during the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia from March 18 until August 18, 2020. The CM is a guideline that entails public tweets directly or indirectly mentioned to the three biggest CSP in Malaysia: Celcom, Maxis, and Digi. A text classifier model optimized for short snippets like tweets is developed to make bilingual sentiment analysis possible. The two languages explored are Bahasa Malaysia and English since they are the two most spoken languages in Malaysia. The classifier model is trained and tested on a huge multidomain dataset pre-labeled with the labels “0” and “1”, which resemble “positive” and “negative”, respectively. We used the Naïve Bayes (NB) technique as the core of the classifier model. Functionality testing has done to ensure no significant error that will render the application useless, and the accuracy testing score of 89% is considered quite impressive. We came out with the visualization through the word clouds and presented -56%, -42%, and -43% of Net Brand Reputation for Celcom, Maxis, and Digi.


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How to Cite
et. al., K. A. S. . (2021). Naïve Bayes Twitter Sentiment Analysis In Visualizing The Reputation Of Communication Service Providers: During Covid-19 Pandemic . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(5), 1753–1764. Retrieved from (Original work published April 11, 2021)
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