Artificial Intelligence Snake Robot (AISR)

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Engr. Jose Marie B.Dipay et. al.


This study was conducted to design, develop and initially implement the Artificial Intelligence Snake Robot (AISR). Specifically, it identified the problems encountered in conducting manual rescuing people from natural calamity; the appropriate features of the tool that can be developed to address the problems encountered, and the respondents’ level of acceptance of the user toward the developed tool in terms of performance, portability, operability, and efficacy. The research used the qualitative-quantitative research method that utilized a researcher-made questionnaire and interview questions. The respondents of the study were fifty (50) Life Rescuers, 25 (25) Red Cross Staff and 25 (25) Random People from different places. The problems encountered in manual rescuing people from natural calamity; hard time finding people lost during disaster, lack of new technologies and equipment, lack of K-9 dogs and burden of working on disaster area. The appropriate features of the tool that can be developed to address the problems encountered were: sensors can make the process of rescuing people faster and easier. The respondents’ ratings for Artificial Intelligence Snake Robot (AISR) were extremely receivable in terms of performance (4.60); portability (4.54); operability (4.51); and efficacy (4.56). The government or other authorities will orient the proper use of the propose robot to avoid having a problem in rescuing people.


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How to Cite
et. al., E. J. M. B. (2021). Artificial Intelligence Snake Robot (AISR). Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 5341–5344. Retrieved from
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