Collaborative Maze Game Using EEG for Paralyzed Patients

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Chang-yong Joo


The brain movement of a general paralysis patient is normal even if the nerve cells that connect the brain and muscles are damaged and the body movement is hindered. When these patients live alone and cannot perform daily activities, they lose the motivation to live, their brains become dull, and their self-esteem degrades. Therefore, a method should be developed such that these patients can perform brain exercises on their own. The development of a maze-finding game based on mutual cooperation using electroencephalography (EEG) for patients with general paralysis is described herein. Paralyzed Patient 1 can view an overview map and identify the path to a destination. When this is sent to Paralyzed Patient 2 through brain waves, direction indications appear on the screen viewed by Patient 2. Patient 2 verifies the signal conveyed by Patient 1 and controls the character in the perceived direction using brain wave signals. In this game, EGG data through the EPOC+ device of Emotiv Co. are collected, and the maze game implemented by the patient’s EEG signal can be played. Excitement and interest arise when two people collaborate compared with when they are playing games in solitude. This finding suggests that paralyzed patients can exercise their own brain without any assistance, enabling them to experience more enjoyment in life and improve their self-image compared with when they are collaborating and interacting with assistants.


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How to Cite, C.- yong J. (2021). Collaborative Maze Game Using EEG for Paralyzed Patients. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 849–855. Retrieved from
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