Color Interactive Contents System using Kinect Camera Calibration

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Eunchong Ha


Recently, media content that interacts in real time is increasing. In this paper, we introduce a real-time color extraction content system that utilizes the Kinect camera used in ‘COLOR’ media art. The Kinect camera used in the work detects and tracks the joints of the visitors that enter the exhibition space. Kinect detected data is mapped to color calibration in a Unity environment to generate a point cloud video. Get the pixel color of the spine shoulder joint coordinates of the visitor in the point cloud image. The color data is output on the screen in the form of color one, and passes through along with the spectators. Color circle decreases as the distance between the visitors and Kinect increases and the distance increases. When visitors come in and the color circles overlap, color of the mixed part will have an intermediate value between the two color circles. This work shows the form of a person's social movement through the colors that each person has and the mixture of the colors. The technology used in this work differs from other media arts in that it extracted the calibrated image colors separately and advanced the interactive media arts. We will improve the accuracy of the point cloud that corrects the color image and the depth image, and improve the color extraction accuracy of the visitors.


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How to Cite, E. H. (2021). Color Interactive Contents System using Kinect Camera Calibration. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 786–791. Retrieved from
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