Design of Open Knowledge Platform Based On Knowledge Base Utilization Model And Service Scenario To Support Solutions Of Regional Issues

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ChulSu Lim


Open knowledge platform can provide a purified knowledge base. Thus, we build a platform for several application areas in a cloud computing that supports APIs for various data based on a knowledge utilization model. The goal of this platform is to maximize the utilization of the knowledge base. In order to achieve this goal, we designed the structure of this platform as an open knowledge platform. The targets of the design are to maximize the utilization of data linkage, to expand it to national common knowledge and to increase its usability by providing services with knowledge graphs. In order to design the platform we identified users, information sources, and infrastructures. In the process, we found it is crucial to specify roles and services to the users of the platform. The requirements are induced from a utilization model and scenario of the service based on the knowledge graph. With the service scenario, stakeholders of the platform started narrow down function modules needed to support the service. One of the modules is a national common knowledge in the knowledge base, which provide essential connected knowledge to support solving regional problems of government such as earthquake, flooding. To increase the usability of data scattered by departments and agencies, data linkage, and knowledge between fragmented data sets is included in this platform.  Subsequently, we designed modules to support the effective utilization of this knowledge information. Also, we found that a cloud infrastructure instead of in-house hardware and software could provide flexible and compatible services for the platform. Moreover, the cloud system has advantages on big data analysis and distributed system interconnection. Utilization model and scenario-based process modeling provide a systematic approach to design an open knowledge platform that supports many required components enabling interoperability, compatibility, and connectivity among other knowledge bases..


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How to Cite, C. L. (2021). Design of Open Knowledge Platform Based On Knowledge Base Utilization Model And Service Scenario To Support Solutions Of Regional Issues . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 750–754. Retrieved from
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