The Effect of the (Rothkopf) Model on Developing Conciliatory Thinking among Fourth-Grade Literary Students in History

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Murad Ahmed Khalaf, et. al.


After identifying the subjects of the subject to be studied in the course of the experiment by five subjects, and for the purpose of measuring the compromise thinking test for the two sets of subjects studied by the researcher himself, the researcher prepared a compromise thinking test, presented to a group of experts and specialists to verify the truthfulness of the test, to analyze its paragraphs and calculate its persistence, and after analyzing the results of the responses of female sample students and statistically addressing them using appropriate statistical means, he found that the test was all paragraphs of the test.

After the completion of the (11) week-long experiment, the Compromise Thinking Test was applied to the requests of the pilot and officer groups, and after statistical analysis and processing of female students' answers using the T test for two linked samples, a statistically significant difference was found between the average grades of female students in the two research groups. The results also showed that the difference is statistically significant and that this difference in compromise thinking is in favor of the experimental group for the test of remote compromise thinking.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. A. K. . (2021). The Effect of the (Rothkopf) Model on Developing Conciliatory Thinking among Fourth-Grade Literary Students in History . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 2459–2469. Retrieved from
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