Analysis of Antioxidant Efficacy of Ginkgo Biloba Leaves and Acer Palmatum Leaves

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Jang Soon Park


Background/Objectives: Modern people pay attention to the antioxidant effects that protect human aging and damage, but active ingredients used in cosmetics or pharmaceutical raw materials of synthetic ingredients are exposed to a number of problems.

Methods/Statistical analysis: An alternative method for solving the problem was selected, and Ginkgo biloba Leaves (hereinafter GBL) and Acer palmatum Leaves (hereinafter APL) were selected to compare and analyze antioxidant efficacy evaluations such as total polyphenol, total flavonoid, DPPH ability, ABTS radical scavenging ability, and FRAP activity measurement.

Findings: In the results of the study, GBL and APL showed DPPH activity at all concentrations (㎍/㎖). ABTS activity and FRAP Value also showed antioxidant activity in both GBL and APL, and in particular, APL has been found to be potent and is considered a rich antioxidant.

Improvements/Applications: ABTS activity and FRAP Value also showed antioxidant activity in both GBL and APL, and in particular, APL has been found to be more potent. Therefore, these species can be evaluated as rich antioxidants. This study hopes to provide GBL and APL extracts as data for the development of natural antioxidants in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.


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How to Cite
Park, J. S. . (2021). Analysis of Antioxidant Efficacy of Ginkgo Biloba Leaves and Acer Palmatum Leaves. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 698–703. Retrieved from
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