Study of Circular Distance in Graphs

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Peruri Lakshmi Narayana Varma , et. al.


Circular distance between vertices of a graph has a significant role, which is defined as summation of detour distance and geodesic distance. Attention is paid, this is metric on the set of all vertices of graph  and it plays an important role in graph theory. Some bounds have been carried out for circular distance in terms of pendent vertices of graph  . Some results and properties have been found for circular distance for some classes of graphs and applied this distance to Cartesian product of graphs〖  P〗_2×C_n.  Including 〖 P〗_2×C_n, some graphs acted as a circular self-centered. Using this circular distance there exists some relations between various radii and diameters in path graphs. The possible applications were briefly discussed. 


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How to Cite
et. al., P. L. N. V. , . (2021). Study of Circular Distance in Graphs. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 2437–2444. Retrieved from
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