Development of a Cable Damage Detection Deep Learning Method based on Acceleration Response of Cable-Stayed Bridge

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Park Gi-Hun


The purpose of this thesis was to select a cable-stayed bridge to which external force may cause damage as the subject, to develop a damage detection deep learning method capable of detecting cable damage, and to test and verify the developed damage detection deep learning method. The damage detection method was developed as a system that utilizes the acceleration response of a structure measured for maintenance purposes. To extract information capable of identifying the damage locations from among the measured acceleration responses, a CNN ID was used to develop the damage detection deep learning method. The developed damage detection deep learning method was developed in a way not independently arranging 1 machine learning model per each measuring point and finally predicting the damage location based on the decision-making results collected from each machine learning model. The developed damage detection deep learning method performed the learning per each machine learning model by utilizing the acceleration response of a structure acquired based on the preliminary damage test. Finally, the damage detection deep learning method that completed the learning verified the cable damage location detection performance by utilizing the data acquired based on the cable-stayed bridge damage test. As a result, it was confirmed that the developed damage detection deep learning method predicted the damage location of a cable-stayed bridge at an average accuracy of 89%. In the current research, only the cable-stayed bridge of the Seohaegyo Bridge was studied, but in the improved study, the research will be conducted on other bridges and damage assessment will be conducted on all cables.


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Article Details

How to Cite, P. G.-H. (2021). Development of a Cable Damage Detection Deep Learning Method based on Acceleration Response of Cable-Stayed Bridge. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 638–647. Retrieved from
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