Design and Implementation of MQTT Load Test System

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In Hwan Jung


In this paper, we design and implement an MQTT load test tools for evaluating the performance of an MQTT appliance system which is capable of handling large amounts of MQTT traffic. The implemented system consists of a master that can centrally control the performance evaluation process and a set of clients that creates virtual MQTT devices and generates MQTT traffic. The MQTT Load Test system was developed using the Java language and the Jpcap library. We developed a GUI version load test and also developed a console mode system that can be executed in an environment where GUI is not available. Using the MQTT Load Test system implemented in this paper, we were able to effectively evaluate the performance of a high-performance MQTT Appliance, another important research topic. Since MQTT Load Test Master and Slave have developed not only the GUI version but also the Console version, it is possible to test the performance even in a remote connection situation where GUI is not supported. The experiment could be conducted in various scenarios, and the number of virtual clients that had to be created per a computer could be confirmed so that the computers participating in the experiment could generate or receive MQTT message traffic of a predetermined level.

Applications: The MQTT Load Test system implemented in this paper can be used as a tool for performance evaluation of high-performance MQTT Appliances.


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How to Cite, I. H. J. (2021). Design and Implementation of MQTT Load Test System. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 564–572. Retrieved from
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