An Adaptive Buffer tradeoff, energy-aware Congestion Control protocol in WSN

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M. Sri Lakshmi et. al.


In a Wireless sensor network, network lifetime plays a vital role, wherein regular communication and sensor nodes are positioned at different points. Nodes energy depletion may lead to communication interruption due to unlimited data flow from one point to another; for adequate communication, Nodes energy should be maximized by arranging cutting-edge techniques such as adaptive buffer switching and congestion control significant role. When the incoming data is more wideranging than available resources, a congestion situation arises. It results in energy consumption, loss of packets, buffer overflow, and raises end-to-end delay. In this paper, adaptive buffer switching and Congestion Control management are done effectively. Simultaneously, congestion detects based on residual energy, residual buffer space, and sensor nodes conviction level. This methodology shows based on the evaluation of cost, which selects main and spare buffers adaptively. Dynamic buffer switching and swapping are used to enhance the outcome of congestion. Result of the ABETCC approach is compared with the protocol like TCEER and TFCC compared to the data loss ratio and energy consumption.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. S. L. (2021). An Adaptive Buffer tradeoff, energy-aware Congestion Control protocol in WSN. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 4880–4891. Retrieved from (Original work published April 11, 2021)
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