Prediction of House Price Using XGBoost Regression Algorithm

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J. Avanijaa, et. al.


House price fluctuates each and every year due to changes in land value and change in infrastructure in and around the area. Centralised system should be available for prediction of house price in correlation with neighbourhood and infrastructure, will help customer to estimate the price of the house. Also, it assists the customer to come to a conclusion where to buy a house and when to purchase the house. Different factors are taken into consideration while predicting the worth of the house like location, neighbourhood and various amenities like garage space etc. Developing a model starts with Pre-processing data to remove all sort of discrepancies and fill null values or remove data outliers and make data ready to be processed. The categorical attribute can be converted into required attributes using one hot encoding methodology. Later the house price is predicted using XGBoost regression technique.


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How to Cite
et. al., J. A. . (2021). Prediction of House Price Using XGBoost Regression Algorithm. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 2151 –. Retrieved from
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