Prospective Vision of the Implementation of E-learning Modules at the National Major University of San Marcos, Lima-Peru.

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Roxanna Saldarriaga


The article analyzes the incorporation of applied learning modules for undergraduate students of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos' Administration career to learn more efficiently and dynamically. The Methodology considers the evaluation and review of the criteria taken in a survey to carry out the E-learning Implementation modules. The objective is to determine the factors that influence virtual teaching by validating the students' ability to use a new teaching process to apply any educational topic through this platform. As a result, five factors that influence virtual teaching were determined, validating students' capacity and predisposition to acquire new knowledge through new learning methodologies using virtual media;using these E-learning modules is recommended in conjunction with the Flipped Classroom or B-Learning methodology. It was also determined that only 30% of the students who have taken several virtual courses within their curriculum feel comfortable with this methodology since it requires an entirely didactic and easy to handle system to teach the subject matter.


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How to Cite, R. S. (2021). Prospective Vision of the Implementation of E-learning Modules at the National Major University of San Marcos, Lima-Peru. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 4340–4348. Retrieved from
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