Programming And Load Balancing For The Development Of The Multifamily Building - Lima, Peru 2020

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Robert Calvol


The objective of this research is to show the production management in the construction of a multifamily building in Lima - Peru, it is worth mentioning that the main problem is that the companies do not adequately plan the optimal use of resources, the plan of attack of work, the sequence of activities through a correct design of production batch and sizing of crews, which are decisive during the execution of the work. The methodology used in this context is load and crew balancing. This allows us to manage resources and work scheduling, resulting in 100% efficiency. In conclusion, we can say that companies must maintain a correct control of their resources in order to achieve their schedules.


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Article Details

How to Cite, R. C. (2021). Programming And Load Balancing For The Development Of The Multifamily Building - Lima, Peru 2020. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 4329–4339. Retrieved from
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