Traffic Sign Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Computer Vision

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Anuraag Velamati


The world is quickly and continuously advancing towards better technological advancements that will make life quite easier for us, human beings [22]. Humans are looking for more interactive and advanced ways to improve their learning. One such dream is making a machine think like a computer, which lead to innovations like AI and deep learning [25]. The world is running at a higher pace in the domain of AI, deep learning, robotics and machine learning Using this knowledge and technology, we could develop anything right now [36]. As a part of sub-domain, the introduction of Convolution Neural Networks made deep learning extensively strong in the domain of image classification and detection [1]..The research that we have conducted is one of its kind. Our research used Convolution Neural Network, TensorFlow and Keras.


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How to Cite, A. V. (2021). Traffic Sign Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Computer Vision. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 4244–4250. Retrieved from
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