Concept Construction on the Area of Oblique Triangles: A Lesson Study

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Steve B. Anapi


This paper aimed to explain how students construct the concept of the area of oblique triangles. Through Lesson Study using the Theory of Didactical Situations, the researchers designed a research lesson with the raison d'être of improving the teaching of trigonometry. The research lesson was implemented to junior high school student-participants in a national high school in the Philippines, and was attended by a pool of observers. A priori and a posteriori analyses were conducted to validate the teaching and learning situations. Observations, notes, students’ outputs, and post-lesson discussions and reflections were used in the analysis of didactical situations. After the conduct of the Lesson Study, the following themes emerged: (1) explicit mathematics didactical intentions are essential in analyzing students' constructed mathematical knowledge and learning, and (2) balancing adidactical situation and teacher facilitation allows independent learning for students.


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Article Details

How to Cite, S. B. A. . (2021). Concept Construction on the Area of Oblique Triangles: A Lesson Study. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 3870–3880. Retrieved from
Research Articles