Comparative Analysis Study on SSD, HDD, and SSHD

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In the Current Century, permeant storage devices and methods of storing data changed from traditional HDD to SDD. In this document, we discuss the merge of HDD and SSD. The Abbreviation of SSHD is called the solid-state hybrid disk. A mixture of both secondary devices to enhance the performance of the system. Inside the SSD, data movement events occur without any user input. Recent research has suggested that SSD has only the Replacement of secondary storage. HDD is also good in life span with longer life. It’s more reliable for long time data contained in this. HDD storage has typical magnetic fields for store data. SSD contains NAND flash memory to write the data in the drive. Based on the method and material of storing different. HDD and SSD feature well to upgrade with technology in Computer filed. For enhancing computing speed and excellent processing SSHD good to use in computer.Ratio increase of SSHD usage in current laptop and in computer system.


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How to Cite, M. (2021). Comparative Analysis Study on SSD, HDD, and SSHD. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 3635–3641. Retrieved from
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