Collaborative Classification Approach for Airline Tweets Using Sentiment Analysis

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M.Veera Kumari


In the world there are so many airline services which facilitate different airline facilities for their customers. Those airline services may satisfy or may not satisfy their customers. Customers cannot express their comments immediately, so airline services provide the twitter blog to give the feedback on their services. Twitter has been increased to develop the quality of services[4]. This paper develop the different classification techniques to improve accuracy for sentiment analysis. The tweets of services are classified into three polarities such as positive, negative and neutral. Classification methods are Random forest(RF), Logistic Regression(LR), K-Nearest Neighbors(KNN), Naïve Baye’s(NB), Decision Tree(DTC), Extreme Gradient Boost(XGB), merging of (two, three and four) classification techniques with majority Voting Classifier, AdaBoost measuring the accuracy achieved by the function using 20-fold and 30-fold cross validation was compassed in the validation phase. In this paper proposes a new ensemble Bagging approach for different classifiers[10]. The metrics of sentiment analysis precision, recall, f1-score, micro average, macro average and accuracy are discovered for all above mentioned classification techniques. In addition average predictions of classifiers and also accuracy of average predictions of classifiers was calculated for getting good quality of services. The result describes that bagging classifiers achieve better accuracy than non-bagging classifiers.


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How to Cite, M. K. (2021). Collaborative Classification Approach for Airline Tweets Using Sentiment Analysis. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 3597–3603. Retrieved from
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