User Status Sharing for Better Communication, Time Management and User Experience Using Status Wheel Smartphone Application

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Abdulrahman Alkandari


this paper presents a new social-networking concept and solution for effective appointment-scheduling and status communication between groups of people. The concept is driven by the widespread adoption of social-networking platforms among people as a result of daily internet usage. People became connected most of the time with other users of a social network. According to studies and statistics, usage of smartphone applications for social networking is increasing rapidly in the past years. This paper introduces Status Wheel application as a solution to some of the common problems facing social network users via smartphones. Such problems include the issue of a well-managed time schedule and appointments. This may lead to more people going out at peak hours to meet a teacher or a co-worker, which creates avoidable traffic-jams. So, an effective platform for quick user status updates and communication with other concerned individual is needed. This paper introduces Status Wheel smartphone application. It promotes communication through sharing of users’ current status. Convenient user-experience is studied and given paramount importance as well.


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Article Details

How to Cite, A. A. (2021). User Status Sharing for Better Communication, Time Management and User Experience Using Status Wheel Smartphone Application. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 3568–3580. Retrieved from
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