MTStemmer: A multilevel stemmer for effective word pre-processing in Marathi

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Virat Giri, et. al.


In natural language processing, it is important that the context and the meaning of words are retained while also ensuring the efficacy of the data modelling process. During human-to-human interactions, special care is taken regarding the tense and phrasing of the words by taking into consideration the rules of grammar of the specific language. While this modification of words is necessary for framing consistent sentences, these appendages do not add significant value to the original meaning of the word. Stemming is the process of converting words back to their root form for efficient and accurate modelling of the data. In this paper, MTStemmer, a new stemmer for the Marathi language is proposed. It focuses on the stripping of suffixes for obtaining the root word form. The proposed stemmer applies a multilevel approach by taking into consideration both auxiliary verb-based suffixes and gender-based suffixes. The presented approach intends to improve upon the limitations of the previously proposed stemmers for this language. The stemming performed by the stemmer is found to be more accurate in terms of mapping to the root words. Stemming is often an important pre-processing step before processing the data further for the main task. The benefit of the proposed stemmer is demonstrated by using it for an extractive Marathi text summarization task. A significant improvement in the performance of multiple performance metrics is achieved owing to the stemming done by MTStemmer. The working of the proposed stemmer shows promising signs for the development of similar engines for other Indic languages.


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How to Cite
et. al., V. G. . (2021). MTStemmer: A multilevel stemmer for effective word pre-processing in Marathi . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 1885–1894. Retrieved from
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