Performance Analysis of Cascaded Hybrid Symmetric Encryption Models

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Pravin Soni, et. al.


Over a few years, there is rapid increase of exchange of data over the net has brought data confidentiality and its privacy to the fore front. Data confidentiality can be achieved by implementing cryptography algorithms during transmission of data which confirms that data remains secure and protected over an insecure network channel. In order to ensure data confidentiality and privacy, cryptography service encryption is used which makes data in unreadable form while the reverse process rearranges data in readable form and known as decryption. All encryption algorithms are intended to provide confidentiality to data, but their performance varies depending on many variables such as key size, type, number of rounds, complexity and data size used. In addition, although some encryption algorithms outperform others, they have been found to be prone to particular attacks. This paper reviews and summarizes the various common hybrid cascaded n-tier encryption models. Additionally, this paper compares and analyzes the performance of common hybrid cascaded 2-tier and 3-tier encryption models obtained during simulation based on encryption/decryption time, avalanche effect and throughput. The models compared with AES are 2-tier models (AES-TWOFISH, AES-BLOWFISH, TWOFISH-AES, BLOWFISH-AES, AES-SERPENT and SERPENT-TWOFISH) and 3-tier models (DES-BLOWFISH-AES, AES-TWOFISH-SERPENT and SERPENT-TWOFISH-AES). The hybrid cascaded model like AES-TWOFISH, AES-BLOWFISH and SERPENT-TWOFISH-AES are better hybrid models with respect to throughput and avalanche effect. 


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How to Cite
et. al., P. S. (2021). Performance Analysis of Cascaded Hybrid Symmetric Encryption Models. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 1699–1708. Retrieved from
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