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Sangeetha S.
Dr. B .Srinivasan


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) include many tiny and low energy and cheaper nodes in different areas for measuring the environmental parameters like temperature and humidity. Hence, the usage of WSNs has become an adaptable means of data transfer across different fields due to the advancement of wireless technology. It is noted that these networks,which use nodes for event detection and identification, gather information by means of simple calculations and send it to a particular Base Station (BS) via gateway nodes. The applications of WSNs can be classified into monitoring and tracking,which are used in areas such as environmental monitoring, health diagnostics, military surveillance, and many others.
nergy consumption is still a major issue of concern, sensor nodes in particular, use energy in sensing data and transmitting it. Energy savings techniques like clustering and routing protocols are important for increasing the life time of the network.
hus, this research aims at analysing the different aspects of improving energy efficiency and network performance,especially in the context of the clustering algorithms, such as the Multi-level Stable and Energy Efficient Clustering (MSEEC) protocol. The paper discusses major issues and suggests some new combined routing approaches for WSNs with the problems connected with fault tolerance, topology, scalability, and power consumption.


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How to Cite
S., S., & B , S. (2024). A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF ENERGY EFFICIENT WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK (WSN) PROTOCOLS. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 15(2), 284–290. https://doi.org/10.61841/turcomat.v15i2.14754
Original Article


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