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A reliable Cyber Attack Detection Model (CADM) is a system that works as safeguard for the users of modern technological devices and assistant for the operators of networks. The research paper aims to develop a CADM for analyzing the network data patterns to classify cyber-attacks. CADM finds out attack wise detection accuracy using ensemble classification method. LASSO has been used to extract important features. It can work with large datasets, and it has more visualization capability. Gradient Boosting and Random Forest algorithms have been used for classification of network traffic data to build an ensemble method. Gradient Boosting algorithm trains weak learning models and select the best decision trees to deliver more improved prediction accuracy and Random Forest algorithm trains each tree in parallel manner. In this research work, Jive datasets such as NSL-KDD, KDD Cup 99, UNSWNB15, URL 2016 and CICIDS 2017 are also applied to check the efficiency of the proposed model.


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How to Cite
RATNAKUMARI, M. J. ., SAIPRIYA, V. J. ., TEHZEEBA, S., Krishna, T. S., & Basha, S. . (2024). A ROBUST DETECTION OF CYBER INCIDENTS UTILIZING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 15(1), 100–103. https://doi.org/10.61841/turcomat.v15i1.14547
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