Low Power Circuit Design for Footed Quasi Resistance Scheme In 45NM VLSI Technology

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Telugu Satyanarayana , et. al.


Low power has arisen as a chief topic in these days and hardware enterprises. Power dissipation has become a significant thought as execution and zone of VLSI Chip plan. In this paper, a design of low power for footed quasi resistance scheme in 45nanometer VLSI technology, using appropriate standard digital gates with 45nm technology, considering footed quasi resistance technique for nanoscales is introduced. Transition of logic 1 and 0 is the main problem in the cascading circuits, this problem can solved by employing a basic inverter called as Domino logic at output.Due to the precharge propagation the power dissipation is observed in domino logic, this will be resolved using PDB (Pseudo Dynamic Buffer) model. With the help of PDB nearly 67% of power saved. Even though PDB is succeeded in precharge propagation, it fails in logic transition, this may results erroneous output during cascading. With contracting technology, power utilization can decreased and over all power of the executives on chip are the critical difficulties below 100nm because of expanded intricacy. In this paper execution of low power circuit scheme for footed quasi resistance plot in 45nm VLSI technology. In this paper we will actualize and recreate low power circuit scheme for footed quasi resistance plot in 45nm VLSI technology.


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How to Cite
et. al., T. S. , . (2021). Low Power Circuit Design for Footed Quasi Resistance Scheme In 45NM VLSI Technology. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 1628–1633. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/1446
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