A Review on Design and Development of Performance Evaluation Model for Bio-Informatics Data Using Hadoop

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Ravi Kumar A, et. al.


The paper reviews the usage of the platform Hadoop in applications for systemic bioinformatics. Hadoop offers another system for Structural Bioinformatics to break down broad fractions of the Protein Data Bank that is crucial to high-throughput investigations of (for example) protein-ligand docking, protein-ligand complex clustering, and structural alignment. In specific, we review different applications of high-throughput analyses and their scalability in the literature using Hadoop. In comparison to revising the algorithms, we find that these organisations typically use a realized executable called MapReduce. Scalability demonstrates variable behavior in correlation with other batch schedulers, particularly as immediate examinations are usually not accessible on a similar platform. Direct Hadoop examinations with batch schedulers are missing in the literature, but we note that there is some evidence that the scale of MPI executions is better than Hadoop. The dilemma of the interface and structure of an asset to use Hadoop is a significant obstacle to the utilization of the Hadoop biological framework. This will enhance additional time as Hadoop interfaces, such as enhancing Flash, increasing the use of cloud platforms, and normalized approaches, for example, are taken up by Workflow Languages.


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How to Cite
et. al., R. K. A. . (2021). A Review on Design and Development of Performance Evaluation Model for Bio-Informatics Data Using Hadoop. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 1546–1563. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/1432
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