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Dr. M. Prabakaran,


Secret sharing plan has been applied ordinarily in appropriated capacity for Big Data. It is a technique for securing revaluated information against information spillage and for getting key administration frameworks. The mystery is dispersed among a gathering ofmembers where every member holds a portion of the mystery. The mystery can be possibly remade when an adequate number ofshares are reconstituted. Albeit numerous mystery sharing plans have been proposed, they are as yet wasteful as far as offer size,correspondence cost and capacity cost; and furthermore need strength as far as precise offer fix. In this paper, interestingly, wepropose another mystery sharing plan in view of Slepian-Wolf coding. Our plan can accomplish an ideal offer size using the straightforward binning thought of the coding. It additionally improves the specific offer fix highlight by which the offers stay predictable regardless of whether theyare adulterated. We show, through tests, how our plan can fundamentally decrease the correspondence and capacity cost while stillhaving the option to help direct offer fix utilizing lightweight selective OR (XOR) activity for quick calculation.


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How to Cite
Prabakaran, , D. M. (2021). SHARING SECRECT DATA USING SUPERVISED LEARNING ALGORITHM ON BIG DATA. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 3302–3311. Retrieved from
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