Maximizing Website Performance with Google Analytics

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aeesha shaheen


Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports the website traffic. It is a widely used tool for businesses and individuals to monitor their website’s performance and gather insights to improve their online presence. It uses various algorithms to process and analyze data, providing valuable insights into user behavior, the website performance, and marketing effectiveness. Google Analytics can be used on any the website or mobile app, and is suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries. Examples of how businesses have used Google Analytics include boosting e-commerce sales, improving lead generation, optimizing content performance, enhancing campaign effectiveness, and enhancing mobile app user experience. By using Google Analytics, businesses can gather data-driven insights that can be used to improve the website performance and marketing effectiveness. This article provides a comprehensive review of Google Analytics, including its features, benefits, and limitations. We also provide a list of resources for further learning.


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How to Cite
shaheen, aeesha. (2023). Maximizing Website Performance with Google Analytics. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 14(03), 1273–1277.
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