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Carl Sandburg is credited with the idea that everyone in the world should continue to see each
newborn child as a gift from God. In a patriarchal society, female feticide is the deliberate
killing of female fetuses. The slaughter of female fetuses’ is referred to by this word. Women
face prejudice in all countries where men rule, and it is unlawful for women to bear children
in some of these societies. It was previously difficult to detect the direction of the embryo while
it was still in the mother's womb. If the newborn girl turned out to be a girl, she would be
given opium-laced milk before being put to sleep. This procedure is no longer employed since
contemporary technology has advanced to the point where it can replace it.
Female feticide is primarily caused by the prevalence of female genital mutilation, while other
factors will be discussed in greater depth later in the paper. Dowries are the responsibility of
the women whose daughters are marrying. Daughters are viewed as a social and economic
burden, in contrast to men, who are expected to perform rituals for the souls of their deceased
parents and grandparents while also providing stability for their family as they age. Sons are
said to be capable of performing rituals for their departed parents and ancestors. Although
abortion is legal in India, it is illegal to terminate a woman's pregnancy only because the fetus
she is carrying is female. Lawbreakers are liable to harsh penalties. The laws are strictly
enforced. Nonetheless, a growing number of illegal actions continue to be committed in
defiance of these rules. This essay will look into the socio-legal quandary created by the
widespread practice of female feticide in India, as well as the consequences of women's
exclusion from Indian society


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How to Cite
POOJA BAHUGUNA. (2023). SELECTIVE SEX ABORTION - A REAL WAR AGAINST WOMEN. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 9(1), 389–399.
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