Machine Learning Algorithm for Web Vulnarabilities Detection

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Murugesan Senthil Kumar, Saresh Kumar Ellamla


Web applications are the most common interface to security sensitive data and functionality available nowadays. They are routinely used to file tax incomes, access the results of medical screenings, perform financial transactions, and share opinions with our circle of friends, just to mention a few popular use cases. On the downside, this means that web applications are appealing targets to malicious users (attackers) who are determined to force economic losses, unduly access confidential data or create embarrassment to their victims. Securing web applications is well known to be hard.

There are several reasons for this, ranging from the heterogeneity and complexity of the web platform to the adoption of undisciplined scripting languages offering dubious security guarantees and not amenable for static analysis. In such a setting, black-box vulnerability detection methods are particularly popular. As opposed to white-box techniques which require access to the web application source code, black-box methods operate at the level of HTTP traffic, i.e., HTTP requests and responses. Though this limited perspective might miss important insights, it has the key advantage of offering a language-agnostic vulnerability detection approach, which abstracts from the complexity of scripting languages and offers a uniform interface to the widest possible range of web applications. This sounds appealing, yet previous work showed that such an analysis is far from trivial. One of the main challenges there is how to expose to automated tools a critical ingredient of effective vulnerability detection, i.e., an understanding of the web application semantics.


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How to Cite
Murugesan Senthil Kumar, Saresh Kumar Ellamla. (2023). Machine Learning Algorithm for Web Vulnarabilities Detection . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 13(2), 1157–1167.
Research Articles